Sunday, April 19, 2009

"You throw like a......GIRL!!!!

So lately I've just been having some things come up with some emotions from the past. It's funny how many times you can give something to the Lord. Being a planner, the hardest thing is for me to trust God with things I can't see. To have absolutely no idea of what's in store for me. I don't handle being all emotional well. I just feel like a girl right now. As much as I'm being all emotional, I am truly grateful for the things I can see and the promises that I do have. What a blessing to have my Savior to go to whenever, wherever, no matter what. Thanks Jesus for being my best friend. Especially in times like this.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Hard Day

Today was tough. Everything around me bugged me and I don't know why?? Also I was really emotional. I'm just overwhelmed I guess. Sometimes I wonder how I even try to get through this days without taking it to the Lord. Because it took me all day to just break down and give it to Him. It was then that He truly just met me where I was and "hugged" me with His words. We are wonderfully made and I am truly His.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

It's been awhile

Whew it's been too long. Well first things first God is good!!!! Things are really crazy right now but God's hand is clearly in it. It seems like every thing to the last detail of my life right now HAD to be God because it couldn't have been planned better! Praise Him!! Woop woop!!! (I'm doing a cool dance...just with the arms)

So about this diet thing. I honestly started like um 3 weeks ago. I've lost 7 pounds!!! Can you believe it?? It's been pretty easy until these last couple of days. I literally want to eat everything in site. I think it's my mind trying to play games with me. One day at a day at a time..

I'm going back to school!!!!! It's totally GOd. He put it in my heart, he opened up the doors, and He provided!!! I only have a year and a half left. Crazy huh?? Like I mentioned earlier Praise HIM!!!

More details later. I'm super tired. But please keep me in prayer for all of these changes. It's going to be a lot of hard work but God is faithful!!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Time for a change

So my lovely sister Rita and I are going to start going to the gym tomorrow!! No more excuses!! We both just want to be healthy. A lot of my mom being sick could've been a little easier on her body had she not been overweight. Looking good is just a bonus of being healthy ;) Pray for us!! I personally love working out....but I REALLY love food! Yes we realize Thanksgiving is around the corner. Like I said PRAY for us!!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Makes Me LAUGH!!!! ;)

Okay so anyone who knows me, knows that I am a total romantic! I absolutely love love stories. Well obviously God doesn't have that for me at the moment, which I'm ok with....really I am. So as I wait for what God has for me there have been a few "interesting" incidents. Before I tell these lovely stories, let me tell ya a lil bit about my heart when it comes to the "one". My desire is for a man after God's heart, someone who truly just brings me that much closer to the Lord, who challenges me to be more like Christ. That being said let me tell ya about some other fellows ;) So I recently started working for WellsFargo as I mentioned in other post and I've come to meet a lot of different people. Obviously among these different people are guys. Now I like to think that I'm a friendly person. I love talking ;) (I see everyone laughing) and I love making friends. Okay okay I'm going to get to the point!! There has been two guys who lets just say have been very interesting! No I don't like them (their not Christian). But they have been very forward with me, not rude or disrespectful but just very how do I say it charming. :) And I just think it's the funniest thing ever!!!! Because they both know I love the Lord, they both how I feel about dating, marriage, etc. Yet they still want to pursue me???????!!! Truly it's God's holliness that they are attractive to but it really just cracks me up. I'm not trying to be silly just honest. It just wows me at how "easy" it is to just be in or of the world. If I let my eyes get off of Jesus, it would be easy to get lonely or tired of waiting and settle for what the world has to offer. But I kinda see Jesus laughing with me, because He knows what's in store for me and it's 100% better than what I'm being offered.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Turned heart????

What a week! There is a lady that I've known for about 3yrs now. I meet her when I first came back to AZ. Her and I have always gotten along pretty well. However she is not a Christian. She would invite me to her children's birthday parties and stuff, so we were okay friends. Here and there she would ask me questions about God, but she never really wanted to discuss "religion". About a week ago I meet with her to have dinner. During our dinner she started acting a little well, how can I say it, irritated with me. She just seemed annoyed about everything I said. Obviously me having a relationship with Christ, my conversations are going to be about that relationship. Usually this is fine with her but this night she definitely was not enjoying that. So she ends up telling me that she was reading this book fictional book that has the main character (who is a lesbian) pretty much denounce any kind of God, mentioning that God was something created by man. I have to say I was kind of taken back by this because even though I know she isn't a Christian, she never tried to denounce that God really did exist. So after hours of us "discussing" this matter, I pretty much went home with my heart broken. We have one life here on earth and what a waste to spend it not having that relationship with Christ. SO of course I've been praying for this friend and this week I got a phone call from her. It seems that her father ended up going to the hospital because he couldn't breathe. Come to find out he has a rare, non-curable disease. Pretty much the disease eats away at your muscle tissue and your nerves until you just end of dying. Obviously she is just devastated. First off please just keep her and her family in prayer as this is a really tough situation for them. Second please pray that God would just get a hold of their hearts through this. I'm not saying God did this to get her attention but I do believe God "allows" things to happen in our lives to remind us that He is here.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

My "amazing" job!!

Well I'm three weeks into my new job, and I LOVE it!!! I had in my head an idea of what I wanted out of this job and God went above and beyond all my expectations! I'm doing pretty much what I love to do and the opportunities for growth at this company (Wellsfargo) are endless! I've meet some amazing people that remind me of how blessed I really am. Let's hope I'm singing the same tune months from now! ;)